
Thursday, September 22, 2011

State of the Education Address

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        "Education is the key to success!!!!" an old school saying inserted to our mind that we must study hard to have stability someday when our parents are gone or when the time comes that we will build our own family. It is also goes like this sometimes, "It is the only wealth that we can give you", so take the opportunity and don't waste it.
            But what if  the Education itself is wasting our time? By the form of nonesense lessons and activities that our teacher's gives us.
If you are familiar with the the nine intelligences by Howard Gardner, such as Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”), Musical Intelligence (“Musical Smart”), Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart), Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart”), Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (“Body Smart”), Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart), Intra-personal Intelligence (Self Smart”), Spatial Intelligence (“Picture Smart”), Existential Intelligence (
These intelligences proves that each individual is given with different capability and capacity which is not possessed by his classmates or even his teachers. So why insist a child beyond his limit if he could excel to another?
        The Philippine is one of the country around the world who follows the Prussian Education System, a educational system instructed students on basic educational concepts, such as mathematics, writing, and reading. At the same time, it also taught things like obedience, duty to country, and general ethics. So this means that they are more encouraging those who are in the Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart) and Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart) to study harder and the curriculum being followed by the rest is intended for those in the said intelligence.
        There may be subjects like the Art's  and Music but they are not noted as a major subject but rather focuses on Physical education which is weakness of the student who engage themselves in Arts and Music. Maybe many will think that im biased by posting this blog, but this is what I have observed for a long time and the sad part is it is a cycle this process is happening now and in the future. The greatest contributions in the modern world were the product of creativity of the scientist's and not of the lessons being thought to them but they discover and created it themselves without any lesson plan to follow.

  Although our country belongs to the developing one, we are in the modern times when everything is passing on to computers and machines. How could a College graduate for example be able to hired if he doesn't know even the basics of the word processing software?. Or maybe he may  know but it's the older version?
Facilities and infrastructures, it is where the students stay and learn and will adopt all the learning available, the quality of teacher must be an experienced one because a newly graduate teacher will be repeating the same old module he learned from the past or from his teacher remember that EDUCATION IS NOT PAST BUT FUTURE, they are not educating us for the purpose of past but future.

Although they say that public school graduate is better than those who graduated from private the question there is the opportunities waiting after graduation. It is not whether you are a magna or summa comlaude. It is now the application of what you have learned for almost 14 years!!!!!! 

Affordability, Budget, Education Mismatch, Teacher Quality
The top problem that should be given a right action so that the claimed education is not just a key to success but access to success!!

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