
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Untold Script Series: The Illumination of the Illuminati

The curiosity of the world about the ancient brotherhood called Illuminati is still on quest. It’s countless secrets and stories, goals, missions, its highly profiled members that are hailed as icons of today’s world, the greatest thinkers and inventor in the history book, renowned artist, painters and sculptors of all time, the world’s most influential names and world leaders are said to be involved in this century old brotherhood. Accusation such as demonic practices, anti-Christ, cult, and the ultimate enemy of the Catholic Church and a treat to the Christendom are the thoughts that penetrate their identity to the world. But one thing will remain they are powerful enough to put fear and left their true identity hanging.

"Illuminati, Greek illumination, name given to those who submitted to Christian baptism. Those who were baptized were called "illuminati" or "illuminated ones" by the Ante-Nicene clergy, on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the apostolic faith had an enlightened understanding."
The secret that lies and kept in public for century will now be revealed, Illuminati is a very secret organization of occult practitioners who have been around for thousands and thousands of years, it’s members are the super wealthy, the wealthiest who don’t even appear in the worlds list of wealthiest people. Thirteen of the world’s wealthiest family, the real men who control the world over the law. They are the bloodline from which an Illuminatus must came, this bloodlines is connected going back thousands and thousands of years in time, and they are very careful keeping those bloodlines as pure as possible from generations to generation. And the only way to keep it is through interbreeding, wherein their parents will decide to whom their children should be marry, which is a common practice of the royalties. They control multi-billion dollar corporations, banks, oil-businesses, they infiltrate politics and education and they own most governments - or at the very least control them. They even own Hollywood and the Music Industry. Like other secret organization, everybody can join if he is accepted, but in Illuminati greedy and evil people join their agenda for power and money but never the illuminati itself, you must be born into it and have to be of the right bloodline.
 Illuminati control government and politics, it is usual that the candidate who gets most sponsorship in form of money and positive media treatment wins the election, the candidate who is infavored by the illuminati easily loss, while their supported candidate easily win by giving all the machinery needed. They often select candidate from their purest bloodline. They also put people who have a dark past, so they can be easily controlled. If these allotted people who are promised fame and fortune turns back the rule and agreement, they can easily treated and get back in line by threatening them to put all their dirty laundry out to dry in public.
 As researched, all the Presidents and leading presidency candidate of the United States from the beginning and up to present time  are of the same royal bloodline, and they are all family; related by ancestry and family trees. Royalty is equivalent to the Illuminati. We have heard a lot about this during presidential campaigns lately, where mass media have revealed the family ties between the candidates and also showed how a certain candidate is of royal blood.

the Illuminati bloodline will be revealed on the next post...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

In despite of the disastrous flood, still it's more fun in the Philippines

      We Filipinos always proved the whole world that we own the title as one of the most happiest persons in the whole world. We can do jokes in despite of the fear that we face, and we could easily cope up from time the flood is over and smile is always an asset to it.

And the most important is that we do not forget to share and love our neighbor that oftentimes turns to a unforgettable love story.

be proud of being a Filipino, because no other land is more fun than the Philippines.

The Apocalypse of the Seven Angels with Seven Plagues

         The Bible explains itself. It is the oldest and the best-selling book of all time in different languages in different nation worldwide. Even though it receives much criticism, but still it remain constant and linked to each other. It was written by different people in different place and time sequence, but what is amazing is that its prophecy doesn’t contradict each other instead they are closely connected. It’s not just a book full of prophecy but a powerful book that explains what the science cannot. It is also a collection of historical events that history has proven. And lastly it is a collection of words and prophecy about what is going to happen, the things that are happening and the things that had happened

         Among the books and the chapters in the Bible, the book of Revelation is the hardest one to explain and predict. Terms such as signs, seals, symbol, vials, visions, trumpets, horse, thrones, plagues, angels, beasts, heads, horns, witnesses, woes, wars, numbers, multitudes, messages and a lot more mysteries you can only encounter in the book of revelation. This is the main reason why it is called a mystery book without meaning; it is sealed and closed from understanding. But when God go back to heaven in his first coming, mankind were so blessed that he has not left us without a source of answers that reveals in detail what lies ahead. That is why the word used is revelation derived from the Greek word apocalypse which means to reveal not to hide nor conceal. He wants us to be aware of the sign on when will be his second coming, he make sure that we are not going to be confused, ignorant and fearful in the future. The Book of Revelation written by John is not actually his words; it is the word of God given to his son to be disseminated to his servants. John serves as Christ’s secretary who wrote what is being dictated on him. So he merely wrote three things; the word of God, the direct testimony of Christ and what he saw in his vision. 
Although it is essential to study the whole chapter of the book it is better to look for various signs and events that would shape and change the last part of our civilization. The chapter fifteen of the book of revelation marks a lot why? It is the ultimate and the collection of God’s wrath to humans; it is the preparation for the last seven vials or plagues, or the last part of the seven seal which is the trumpet, the third woe, or even the last plagues which the first part happened in chapter six. The word seven means this is the end, it is also the same word used on Genesis where he rested on the seventh day. In this chapter the wrath is ready to be poured on Earth. Seven golden vials full of God’s wrath, the plagues that will strike the Earth in the last three and a half years to punish those who have chosen to serve the Anti-Christ, doing his bidding to persecute the saint for their faith in Christ and the sinful mankind for rejecting his Son. God has the power to put an end to sin so that it can never exist again in his holy presence. During this time no human being will have access to the presence of God on his throne until the end of the tribulation, for he will not be dealing with people with mercy, as his usual custom. During the latter three and a half years of the great tribulation he will deal with human being in judgment. The only good thing about the plague is that the Christians are in heaven when it occurs, they are rejoicing in heaven over the victory they have won while the unbelievers on Earth suffer their consequences. This glory cloud will remain in the heavenly temple until the earth is completely purged, cleansed and prepared for the King and His kingdom that is coming. This "smoke" is from the Majesty of God. The children of Israel were led by God Himself. No mere man can enter this holy place. Jesus enters here for us and takes us with Him after we are covered by His (Jesus) blood. God sees Jesus' shed blood, instead of us, when we enter (after we are a believer); and that shed blood is what keeps us from being burned up in God the Father's presence. God's anger is kindled at those on the earth who have caused such sorrow to the church and the true believers, and His fury has come in His face. These plagues, as we said before, are from God. What a terrible thing it is to fall into the hands of the Living God and be judged by Him guilty and deserving of His wrath.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Root of crime—Giving Birth to a Sin

People often thought that the permanent thing in this world is change; it is constant from time to time, it is happening everyday around the world, we are then experiencing it every minute and no one could deny nor question it that he is not subjected to change as it strikes as fast as the lightning. But the world seemed so big that we are thinking that change is the only permanent thing in this world, if you will not notice change is constant isn’t it? But as we go that constant change is the word crime ever changed? Crime of different forms that is living until now and in the near future, the crimes and sins that has been committed by our ancestors that seemed goes on to generation by generation. On our everyday living, as we open our television sets, the radio, the tabloid and broadsheets, the internet we are all fun of reading crimes, scope, scandals and gossip that as it goes it is inheriting us to do such act. Therefore it is reasonable to say that we are all lovers of crime? Have we increased the standard of crime to the extent of those who are heinous only and punishable by law? What about the little sin that we have done? Does our government commercialized crime to the extent that those who have more in life could have easy and convenient flow of justice and could easily escape penalty than those who have less? Is our constitution fairly protecting its people or it was just make to save and protect its perpetuators?
                We cannot call criminals as victims of their own crime, in fact they are victimizers who had freely chosen to do the crime, no one urges them to do so, if there was it is there free will who will dictate on what to do, but the bottomline will fall on the same person, the criminal. It is never an excuse that theft is just a normal reaction of an individual due to poverty and instability. We cannot excuse rape because the rapist is under the influence of alcohol and drugs. The same manner that we cannot consider any form of crime because its perpetuators are poor, not in the right mind and even a family member. As Dr. Stanton E. Sameron says, “criminal causes crimes, not bad neighbor, inadequate parents, instability in life, unemployment”, revenge, anger and seen violence on TV. Crimes resides within the minds of human being and is not caused by such social conditions. Therefore we are being drawn by our own desire to commit crimes, then the desire will be fertilized and gives birth to sin leading to crimes not knowing we are turning as prophet of Satan a lover of sin and crime.
                Crime is normal within us, the capacity to do and promote it and the ability to eradicate it is on our self also. Crime is sin, and sin is a crime. It is our normal reaction because we humans are born through sins. Whatever you call it, it may be light or heavy, there is no such consideration because the act is involved, but always remember that there is our creator who is just above us, who knows us more, the one who will not find the negative part of you, the one who believe that there is still hope of changing your evil thoughts that in the end he is the one who will save you from your crimes. Always remember that if our creator wants us to suffer with our sins, he will not sent his only son to earth to be crucified, but still his son sacrifices and give his life for all mankind hoping that someday we will live with him in a new world full of hope and justice.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Heaven Is a Place on Earth

Everyday millions of people around the world searches for something to make their life meaningful and convenient. Some are looking for love while some hopes to rebuild a broken home, some are very busy to work hard to earn more money to have a stable life, those who are sick are searching for cure, and some are seeking for truth and justice while some simply searches for happiness. All this searches are pointed to one direction which is the heaven. The idea of everlasting and eternal life where no man will seek for the truth and justice, no one will cry in pain and everything you need is around you. Isn’t it promising to live in such place and everybody would love to go there but is that as easy as what we think?
When we say heaven we define it as the place of God. In our early childhood days our parents reminds us that if we do good throughout our life we are going to go in heaven that when we die God will send angels down to take you to heaven to be with him, In the death of the late President Corazon Aquino I remember the people were so fun of saying that Tita Cory will be in heaven with the lord and she will rest in peace there, and what is ridiculous?, it is the same teaching and philosophy of the Catholic Church that is inserted to the mind of those who do not read the bible, if we do good and confess our sin we are going to heaven. But the biblical truth is very different.

The Truth about Heaven
                According to Tom Wright an Anglican Bishop and a leading New Testament scholar, there are several important aspect respects in which it's unsupported by the New Testament. First, the timing. In the Bible we are told that you die, and enter an intermediate state. St. Paul is very clear that Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead already, but that nobody else has yet. Secondly, our physical state. The New Testament says that when Christ does return, the dead will experience a whole new life: not just our soul, but our bodies. And finally, the location. At no point do the resurrection narratives in the four Gospels say, "Jesus has been raised, therefore we are all going to heaven." It says that Christ is coming here, to join together the heavens and the Earth in an act of new creation. In (John 3:13) it was said that “No one has ever gone into heaven exempt the one who came from heaven-the son of man”, this means that man will inherit the Earth not the heaven as (Matthew 5:5) testify “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth” and lastly Jesus Christ son of God says “My kingdom is not of this world, If it were; my servant would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place”-(John 18:36).

The Road to Heaven
             In despite of many religious groups worldwide who are telling others how to go to heaven, we cannot say that it was not and never stained by their opinions. That is why the best way to know it is going back to the Bible where it all begin. Apostle Paul created a letter on how to get right with God for all of us to read and it was recorded in the Bible as the book of Galatians. Not all who proclaimed they are with God are doing his will, not all who go to church are going to heaven, not all who commands the ten commandments will be delighted. Sin, it is the one who separate us from God, because he is sinless, but in despite of this sin that separate man from God he sent his only Son Jesus Christ to the world and became the sacrifice for all our sin as he die on the cross. Therefore our way to God is his son, he is the bridge that connect us, as (John 14:6) says “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me”. It is on the believer on how he must apply to his life the word of God that in order to avoid sin we must live like Jesus Christ and it must be a lifetime commitment and your main foundation must be the word of God which is the bible.

Living with the word of God
            The idea of heaven which promises good things do attract us, the everlasting life and eternity. If I would go to heaven right now? I would neglect because there is no assurance that I will be in him, as my view I am here on earth to gather my gate pass to his kingdom, following his world not exactly the way Jesus Christ has lived, loving others and my neighbors which is his reflections, forgiving my enemies which seemed so hard to do sometimes. I think knowing the word of God and doing it is such a very hard things to do, it was not as easy as going to church and pray nor saying Father forgive us our sin as we forgive those who have sin against us, it must come deeply within our hearts, we must love ourselves and if so do not be afraid of what might happen as how sinful human race is God still loves us as Jesus Christ saved and sacrifice himself for our sin.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Little Lady with a Big Smile

Who would simply ignore this little lady from the College of Arts and Letters, Journalism Department if you would cross her along your way? She was not just an ordinary lady that would definitely touch your heart she was simply gorgeous in and out. She was also the Secretary of the Guild of Visual Artist (GVA) an organization of aspiring photographers, videographers and documentarist. 
She simply loves simple life the way her life goes around the four corners of her room, this was her world she loves spending much of her leisure time reading novels and pocketbooks, even watching romantic movies and listening to music. A full grown Manilenian  that adopts its fast social growth surrounded by tall buildings and stablishments, an ordinary girl who love to go to malls with friends and do a window shopping, spa and other luxurious things in life the proof was her collection of branded shoes and bags that worth a thousand peso. After going to shopping especially window shopping she simply love eating street foods  and going to bar but not drinking a lot of alcohol beverages. 
The little lady whom this refer to is no other than Rica Canon. An AB Journalism 2A student, my friend and my colleague all I can say about her is that she was simply amazing a person you can laugh with, and a person you can deal with if she was against your opinion. A Korean Pop fanatic that she has many wallpapers of those characters in her cell phone.
Above her luxuries her attitude matter most she was the person you could easily get with especially if you have the same personality and you will be her friend, she’s so nice a little bit of crazy sometime but its life its part of her that I and of her other friends loves about her she smile and laugh like crazy but with a heart of an angel she simply a girl with a big smile.