
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Zooless Society??

view at kawa-kawa
        God created us fairly, although we human's gained his highest form of creation. We are assigned to be it's caretaker, from the highest mountain to the valleys and plains. To the shallow seas down to the deep seas. But what have we done? We become savage and abused this given task.  
      I think Equality doesn't extent to what form of organism you are, but to life-if life will the primary basis of fairness.........we are all fair in a way that we breath the same air, we step on the same ground, we drink the same water and we all die. What I am trying to figure out is the animals beyond the snug cages of the commercial zoos and theme  and amusement parks.
        Amusement was certainly an important reason   for the establishment of the early zoos, and it remains an important function of contemporary zoos as well. Most people visit zoos in order to be entertained, and any zoo that wishes to remain financially sound must cater to this desire. Even highly regarded zoos have their share of dancing bears, dolphins, penguins, seals, sealions and trained birds of prey. But although providing amusement for people is viewed by the general public as a very important function of zoos, it is hard to see how providing such amusement could possibly justify keeping wild animals in captivity.
         Before we consider the reasons that are usually given for the survival of zoos, we should see that there is a moral presumption against keeping wild animals in captivity. What this involves, after all, is taking animals out of their native habitats, transporting them great distances and keeping them in alien environments in which their liberty is severely restricted. It is surely true that in being taken from the wild and confined in zoos, animals are deprived of a great many goods. For the most part they are prevented from gathering their own food, developing their own social orders and generally behaving in ways that are natural to them. These activities all require significantly more liberty than most animals are permitted in zoos. If we are justified in keeping animals in zoos, it must be because there are some important benefits that can be obtained only by doing so.
        This conclusion is not the property of some particular moral theory; it follows from most reasonable moral theories. Either we have duties to animals or we do not. If we do have duties to animals, surely they include respecting those interests which are most important to them, so long as this does not conflict with other, more stringent duties that we may have. Since an interest in not being taken from the wild and kept confined is very important for most animals, it follows that if everything else is equal, we should respect this interest. Suppose, on the other hand, that we do not have duties to animals. There are two further possibilities: either we have duties to people that sometimes concern animals, or what we do to animals is utterly without moral import. The latter view is quite implausible, and I shall not consider it further. People who have held the former view, that we have duties to people that concern animals, have sometimes thought that such duties arise because we can 'judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.

"for amusement, education, opportunities for scientific research, and help in preserving species"

 think of this....what if we reverse the tradition...Humans for amusement, education, opportunities for scientific research, and help in preserving species.......


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Prostitution 101


     No business can afford to create a product for which there are no buyers. Prostitution including pornography and other form of commercial sex are of multi-billion dollar industry, it is everywhere and sometimes it is like our prime commodities which you could easily purchased. Prostitution is believed by many to be the world’s oldest profession with its roots taking back to the ancient times. It is commonly believed that prostitutes were only women, but the truth is that prostitutes are widespread of the male gender. Prostitutes let their costumers use their body for its lustful, bizarre, painful or disgusting, and occasionally fatal acts. The business of prostitution is the use of real human beings to support the fantasies of others. Anyone who worked in prostitution who tells his costumers too much about who they really are interferes with the fantasy. They risk losing a customer, and may get a beating as well. In real relationships with real people, you are stuck with the limitations of who you are, who your partner is, and what you can do together without hurting each other.

            Some people do not want real relationships, or feel entitled to something beyond the real relationships they have. They want to play "super stud and sex slave" or whatever, inside their own heads. If they need to support their fantasies with pictures, video tapes, or real people to abuse, the sex trade is ready to supply them. For a price, they can be "a legend in their own minds." The most common type of prostitution customer is the user. He is quite self-centered, and simply wants what he considers to be his needs met. The user would deny any intent to harm anyone, and might even claim some empathy for the sex workers he uses. However, his empathy does not extend to discontinuing his using behavior, nor to helping anyone escape from the sex industry. He does not care whether the person he is using is unwilling or unusually vulnerable. He simply feels entitled to whatever he wants, whenever he wants it. If someone is hurt, that is not his problem.

Maybe the main reason why some people engage this job is poverty, the undying and unresolved problem throughout our history. When the family is poor, or part of a devalued minority group, and opportunities for education and good jobs are limited, some members of those families may be willing to take risks. If the young people are being terrorized, beaten, or sexually abused by the very people who should be protecting them, many are going to take their chances on the street. For some, nude dancing or even prostitution may look better than no job at all. They may have to do prostitution from age 12 or 14, until they turn 18, and can get a "better job" such a nude dancing.

On the other hand although it may not be prevented at least it will be monitored by means of legalizing it. In many other countries as the Netherlands, prostitution is legal, and it seems it is very well taken care of. Also in some cities like Las Vegas it is legal. The decriminalization and legalization of prostitution with reasonable restrictions would overall beneficial to society. If the government will impose taxes to the operators of these sex businesses and establishments it will be an additional fund to the government. Legalizing it also may protect the prostitutes themselves and the costumers against sexually transmitted disease.

".........People who have had luckier lives, as well as those who profit from the sex industry in some way, frequently refer to prostitution and pornography as "victim-less crimes". They point to a tiny fraction of sex workers who actually might be involved by choice. They selectively read history to find some tiny minority, somewhere, at some time, who gained something in the sex business.

                The very selectiveness of their attention indicates that, on some level, they know that for almost everyone, involvement in the sex industry is a terrible misfortune.

                As many old cop will say, "Anyone who thinks prostitution is a victimless crime, hasn’t seen it up close."